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9 Best Tips to Organize Your Closet

Categorize your clothing and accessories by type. For example sweaters, t-shirts, dresses, jeans, etc. Taking inventory by category will help you decide how much space you need for each. This will make putting things back in the closet easier. Once your clothes are categorized, do another round of purging. You may find that you have ten black skirts and can afford to donate a few!

9 Tips to Organize Your Closet


Step one to organizing your closet is to pull everything out of the closet. Get rid of items that are stained, torn, dated, do not fit, or you no longer use or wear. Move your out of season clothing and shoes to an alternate closet or storage, to make room for in-season clothing.

Donate or sell your gently used items. We work with the amazing Nell Langford from The Real Real to help you get your gently used designer items re-sold. She will come to your house to pick up your items and will handle everything. All you have to do is wait for your check!

Contact Nell via email at or phone (469) 475-6078


Now that everything is out of the closet, you'll need to clean it. Wipe down all of the shelves with Clorox wipes. Wipe down the clothing rod, they get really dusty! Clean the baseboards, and finally, vacuum.


Categorize your clothing and accessories by type. For example: sweaters, t-shirts, dresses, jeans, etc. Taking inventory by category will help you decide how much space you need for each. This will make putting things back in the closet easier. Once your clothes are categorized, do another round of purging. You may find that you have ten black skirts and can afford to donate a few!

Assess Your Organization Solutions

We try to use the organization solutions you have on hand, but in many cases, we need a trip to The Container Store (TCS) to complete the process! Before heading to the store, measure your spaces to make sure you get the appropriate products. Check out this post for our favorite TCS buys!

Matching Hangers are a Must

No matter what hangers you use, they should all be the same! We love velvet hangers, because they are non-slip, uniform, and space saving. You wouldn't believe the difference that uniform hangers can make by creating a visually appealing closet.

Color Code Your Wardrobe

Color coding each category will help you find your favorite pieces easily.

Use Vertical Space

Need more space in your closet? Look up! We recommend keeping your most-worn pieces at eye-level, but for more storage, go vertically! Add baskets and bins on the top. If you can't reach it every day, use it for off-season storage.

Fold and Roll

If you are short on hanging space, folding your t-shirts, jeans and sweaters will help save hanging space. We recommend using Marie Kondo's style of folding because it is the most efficient and space-saving method. Rolling clothes is reserved for pajamas, socks, and undergarments. Use drawer separators like this one or this one to keep these organized instead of throwing them in a drawer haphazardly.

See our video below to learn how to fold a t-shirt using Marie Kondo's method!

Use Baskets

Baskets are great for holding things like scarves, belts, hats, and more. We love these from The Container Store.

Need some help? We're here for you! We can come to your house and organize your closet so you can get back to the business of living. Give us a call or email to schedule a consultation!


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