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7 Tips to Clean Out Your Playroom!

Shayla Cobb

The toys are coming! Is your playroom ready? Now is the time to clean out before Santa arrives with more! Read our top seven tips on how to get your kid's toy room clutter-free and ready for all the new additions!

1. Make time now to do a deep purge in the playroom! ​Before adding a ton of new stuff to an already overcrowded area, go through what you already have. ​Throw away anything broken. Donate gently used items. Declutter the room by moving out what doesn't belong and putting it in its proper place.

2. Store toys in clear bins whenever possible! It makes it easy for kids to see what they have AND where to put it away. Some of our favorite bins include open-top Euro Crates for items that need quick access and lidded boxes for toys that need to stay together.

3. Keeping costumes organized is simple with open tubs or baskets that are easy to access. You want the costumes to turn to rags because your kids wear them everywhere! Let them enjoy playing dress up every day. We do not recommend hanging costumes because if they are going to get yelled at for not hanging them back up, they will not bother taking them off the hangar.

4. Not every toy belongs inside your home! Store balls, Nerf guns and outdoor toys outside in the garage. Install a peg board for all of your Nerf supplies. Put other sports equipment in a triple sports bin. Equipment stays sorted and offers quick access.

5. Create a system for art supplies. We like clear-lidded boxes because they are easy to see and access. If space is an issue, store supplies on a cute 3-tier cart! It is simple to take from room to room when working on projects.

6. Add a label on every basket, bin and box! Labels make it easy for nannies, babysitters, grandparents and dads to put toys back where they go! There are many places to get premade labels or buy a label maker to create custom ones.

7. Store messy crafts up high so that your kids can only get access to them with parental supervision. Play-Doh, slime, paint, we're talking to you. And glitter is a NO. Keep the mess outside your home by creating a messy zone in your garage! This ensures your kids can have fun and you don't stress about the mess!

Less is more. Kids would rather have less stuff that is organized than more stuff that is a mess. What is the point when you can't find the parts of a game or all of the pieces to a train track? Just like a mess in the house stresses us out, chaos in the playroom deters kids from playing. An organized and tidy playroom inspires and encourages creative play.

Surprise your kids with an organized playroom this holiday season! It truly is the gift that keeps on giving. Follow our tips above to do it yourself or send us an email to get on our calendar! Get your kids organized without them even realizing it by choosing one of the gifts below! Click on the photo for a link!

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